"You might see land masses and mountains made up of diamonds," the lead researcher Dr Nikku Madhusudhan told BBC News."
 Plant siblings grow from seeds produced by the same “mother” plant. They cooperate with each other, but compete with strangers, in the struggle...
 "A number of the fibers found showed signs of having been twisted, evidence that they were likely used to make rope and string. Other samples had been dyed various colors using the pigments from other plants indigenous to the region."
 For scientists, beads are not simply decoration, they also represents a specific technology that conveys information through a shared coded language. It indicates more advanced thinking and the development of modern cultural traits...
 "Technological innovations have enabled human cultures to thrive, and now researchers have discovered what might be the oldest example known so far of such...
 The most significant of these finds, a nearly complete bone flute, was recovered in the basal Aurignacian deposits at...
 Research by geneticists and archaeologists has allowed them to trace the origins of modern homo sapiens back to a single group of people who managed to cross from the Horn...
 "Some artefacts, including fragments of pottery and flint and stone tools, have already been recovered..."
 A dolmen is a type of burial site of prehistoric homo sapiens. Typically a dolmen consists of a single chamber which is closed on all sides...
 "Researchers have placed the origins of human evolution to be in southern Africa, near the South Africa-Namibian border. They compiled a map..."
 A highlight of the exhibition is the stunning deposit of gold jewelry...
 "Historians have long wondered if the Eden story is a folk memory, an allegory of the move from hunter-gathering to farming..."
 "The dearth of evidence for human occupation in Britain between 200,000 and 65,000 years ago has perplexed researchers. The English Channel would have posed a physical barrier to humans trying to cross from the continent..."
 Now research, published today in the journal Nature, shows that “north” and “south” charges can be isolated and rove around independently in a...
 "Initial comparisons do show a similarity in use of this eyebrow motif and may point to the possibility that the markings in the cairn are meant to show human eyebrows and eyes, as the style is very similar to the figurine."
 "The complex etchings were engraved on a hand-sized rock 13,660 years ago, probably by Magdalenian hunter-gatherers. A team led by Pilar Utrilla from the University of Zaragoza in Spain, discovered the rock in 1994 but it has taken them 15 years to disentangle the mess of etched lines."
 An Italian tribe, the Veneti, settled the city around 500 B.C., and by 131 B.C., when one of Rome's famous roads, the Via Annia...
 "The wines from Scorpion’s tomb were brought in from the Jordan River valley, as Epyptian vineyards were not yet established. Discovery of this winery is one of several from ancient Egypt, China and elsewhere..."
 There is no such thing as the missing link. For all its popular appeal the concept has no meaning in science because there is no fossil that can fully explain an evolutionary transition all on its own. Even in the plural the phrase can be misleading because evolution is supremely well attested in the fossil record, as well as from other evidence such as DNA.
 The problem is that most of these staple foods do not have the nutrients essential for a healthy life and are vulnerable to disease and drought.
 "When your great grandmother used to sneak a sip of elderberry wine 'to fight off the flu', she may have just been keeping with the medical wisdom passed down for hundreds of generations from the ancients."
 "Situated in the constellation Libra, it is only about twice as massive as the Earth, whereas most other..."